Here Are Some Health Tips That Can Help You !!

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  1. Be Physically Active
  2. Eat Healty Diet
  3. Do Not Consume Alcohol
  4. Get Enough Sleep


  1. Drink Enough Water
  2. Try To Maintain Your Body Temperature As Normal
  3. Wear Light Chothings
  4. Eat Broth,Soups..


  1. Wash Your Hands Well
  2. Make A Less Physical Contact With People
  3. Don't Share Your Things To Others
  4. Contact Doctors If Infection Goes Serious

Common Cold

  1. Wash Your Hands Often (at least for 30 sec)
  2. Keep Household Surfaces Clean
  3. Use Tissues And Dispose It After Use
  4. Avoid Touching Your Face

Animal Attacks

  1. Wash Wounded Area
  2. Cover The Wound With Sterile Bandages
  3. Change Bandages Regularly
  4. Apply An Antibiotic Cream If Necessary


  1. Maintain Your Immune System
  2. Stay Hydrated
  3. Use Flu Antivirak Drug If Necessary
  4. Include Vegetables And Fruits In Your Diet

Deep Cut

  1. Clean & Wash Wound Gentely
  2. Cover Wound With A PIece Of Cloth Or Gauze Until Bleeding Stops
  3. Apply Antibiotic Cream To Reduce Risk Of Infections
  4. Get Stiches If Needed


  1. Immerse The Burn Part In Cold Water
  2. Cover The Area Of Burn
  3. If Experincing Blisters Do Not Break Them
  4. Avoid Going Out In Sun


  1. Rest.. Avoid Activities That Can Cause Swelling And Discomfort
  2. Use Ice Pack On Affected Area
  3. Cover Affected Area To Avoid Swelling
  4. Elevate Affected Part As Gravity Helps To Reduce Swelling By Draining Excess Fluids


  1. Don't Perform Any Actions On Factured Area
  2. Apply Ice Pack To Avoid Swelling
  3. Never Try To Straighten Broken Bones
  4. Apply A Splint To Support Broken Bones

some essential equipments..

first aid(it must contain)

  1. antiseptic wipes
  2. adhesive bandages
  3. thermometer
  4. sharp scissors
  5. elastic bandages
  6. energency contact information
  7. hydrogen peroxide
  8. painlillers
  9. cotton
  10. antiseptic cream